College Life

Since I posted very little my first semester of college I figured it would be cool to let you know what a typical day is for me during school.

The day I am posting this is a Friday, but my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are pretty much the same because of my class schedule, but usually Fridays I am up later!

8:15 - Roll out of bed and crawl to my Keurig
8:15-8:30 - Get ready for the day (make bed, get dressed, wash face, brush teeth, etc.)
8:40 (At the latest) - Walking out the door for speech class
9:05-9:55 - in class
10:00 - grab breakfast/coffee at Einstein's
10:50 - leave for math
11:15-12:05 - in class
12:10- leaving straight for political science
12:20-1:10 - in class
1:30 - finally get to come back to my room
1:35ish - I remember I haven't had lunch and grab Subway, Chick Fil A, or something out of the fridge
2:00 - I look over my planner and make a to do list of what homework needs to be addressed today and what can wait until tomorrow (this includes online assignments)
After I figure this out the range of how long I'm doing homework varies.
5:30ish - I start making dinner plans with friends to go to the dining hall, to go out to eat, or to order in
8:00 - I look at my planner again to make sure I didn't miss anything and if not I usually hang out with friends, read, blog, or watch Netflix
9:45ish - I start to get ready for bed (wash face, make hot tea, etc.)
11:00- 12:00 - I usually go to sleep somewhere in this range of time unless I have a test or a large amount of homework

I hope this look into my day wasn't too boring. I have enjoyed my college schedule a lot more than the high school 8 to 3 schedule. I like to think of myself at good at time management, but I enjoy hearing/reading about others peoples tips and tricks! Comment below how you manage to get everything you want to get done in a day. I'd love to hear it!

Love always,

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